1. Stop Eating 2-3 Hours Before Bed
• Minimum 12-hour overnight fast (ie. 7pm - 7am)
2. Make Your Room Pitch Black
• Get black out curtains if needed
3. Wake Up to Light
• Use a wake-up light, especially in the winter
4. Cool Down
• Keep your bedroom between 65-68 degrees
5. Breathable Sheets & Covers
• Bamboo sheets and hypoallergenic covers are excellent
6. White Noise
• Use a noise machine to eliminate outside noises
7. Electronic-Free Zone
• Shut down all electronics 30 min before bed
8. Wind Down
• Dim household lights 1-2 hrs before, do relaxing activities
9. No Napping
• If needed, keep to only 20 minutes before 2:00pm
10. Supplements
• See Deep Sleep Protocol for recommendations
Top 3 Ways to Reset Your Diurnal Rhythm
1. 30-Minute Rule
Try to go to bed within 30-minutes of the same time each day -
7 days a week.
2. 10-6
The closer you get to bed when it gets dark out and the closer
you wake up to when the sun rises the more natural energy you
will have.
Try to going to bed sometime between 9:00-10:30pm and then
waking up around 6:00am the next morning.
3. The 15-Minute Method
The easiest way to reset your sleep schedule is to simply move
your current bed-time back by 15-minutes each week.
This is a gentler approach that works well if you cannot change
your sleep cycle all at once!
Resource Guide:
‘’These are things I use every night. Tools I implement, and tricks that have transformed my sleep routine.’’
Blue Light Blockers:
Exposure to artificial light at night is clinically proven to elevate cortisol and suppress melatonin. The best plan of action is to give yourself a screen curfew to be off of your device at least 90 minutes before bed. For a viable “hack” for when you are working late, kicking back to watch an occasional show on TV in the evening, or just want to be a Jedi Knight when it comes to sleep and protect yourself from the scientifically dubbed “light pollution” in the evening, take advantage of these resources because most of them work like a charm (especially the Swannies!).
Laptop and Desktop App:
· F.lux
Phone Apps
(These are a little more dicey in their consistency and effectiveness. I’ll keep this updated when a true champion in this category arises, but for now these are some to experiment with.)
Smartphone Screen Protection Apps (Mainly for Androids)
Lavender tea : Bloom
Camomille tea
Sleep tea
Indoor Plants:
Another way to instantly upgrade your air quality is to add an indoor plant or two to your home. We talked specifically about NASA’s favorite air filtering plant the
English Ivy, and the nighttime air rejuvenator the Snake plant in Sleep Smarter.
If you don’t have time to stop by your local plant shop, then here’s a resource to have them delivered to your door:
Local flower store: The Flower Studio
HomeDepot.com (Just type in the name of the plant
you want - Best source)
Get some great information about plants (everything from plant maintenance to best varieties) here - Costa Farms
Magnesium Spray & cream:
Magnesium is one of the most critical nutrients for our health today with over 80 percent of the population being deficient in it. We covered the importance of magnesium on your sleep and overall health in Sleep Smarter, and why topical magnesium is far and away the best choice. Not only is it an excellent natural sleep aid, but it’s also shown to reduce or eliminate muscle pain and cramping, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, accelerate the healing of muscle tissue, and much more. Other brands just don’t compare to the effectiveness of EASE.
This one is an absolute must: Magnesium Ease
Optimum Health & Kolya | Ancient Minerals Magnesium Lotion |Optimum Health
Wellness Mattress:
Because you spend approximately 1/3 of your entire life in bed, your mattress really does matter. A lot. After researching and testing , intelliBED to be the top wellness mattress in its category. Non-toxic, hypoallergenic, zero off-gassing, 20 year durability, and industry leading mattress resiliency. We covered the critical importance of mattress resiliency in Sleep Smarter, and the intelliBED can be a game-changer for reducing pain and making sure you’re avoiding the toxic chemicals that most mattresses are treated with.
intelliBED (Plus exclusive Sleep Smarter code)
The research is in, and meditation is one of the most effective tools for improving sleep quality and reducing chronic sleep problems. Meditation will be one of the hottest health and wellness topics (ranked right up there with nutrition, exercise and sleep) within the next 5 years without a doubt. Don’t wait around any longer to enjoy all of the clinically proven benefits. Here are a couple of meditation techniques to check out:
When is comes to improving your sleep quality, simple changes to
our daily habits and lifestyle come first. For a little extra support,
time-testing supplements can be helpful.
Grounding Gadgets
Clinically proven to reduce nighttime levels of cortisol and normalize cortisol during the day... there are few things as effective for improving your health and your mood than getting in some Vitamin G time. In Sleep Smarter we break down some of the science behind Earthing (aka grounding). When situations arise that you can’t get some quality time in with the Earth’s surface to help deliver your body some free electrons, these amazing Earthing Gadgets can be a game-changer:
EMF Blocking Mattress Covers
Oura ring: Track your sleep
14-Day Sleep Makeover Journal
As another bonus with Sleep Smarter, you can use this printable Sleep Makeover Journal rather than using the one featured inside of the book. Enjoy!
Thank you so much for reading.
These are tools I have implemented over the years to improve my sleep.
Meanwhile, if you are looking to rebalance your body, take your health to the next level, receive coaching or reiki healing contact me today.
Let's hop on a call and see how I can help you achieve greater health.
If you are in the Fort Mcmurray area,
I have most supplements at my office AS WELL AS
Gamma Bees Honey.
Wishing you all an amazing day
In great Health